Polaron’s many applications

Polaron was developed to process a wide variety of data types.
Almost anything that has a spatial component can be processed, ingested and
used to drive real time simulations.

Simulating the real, synthetic and surreal

Polaron uses a Volumetric Propagation engine to simulate the interaction between different data types – be it rays, penetration or traffic. Built from the ground up for simulation rather than aesthetics – it permits an incredible (arguably – unparalleled) level of complexity and detail. Imagine combining ArcGIS with Unity – to produce a sandbox allowing you to play, tinker and refine your simulations – but with enough performance to stream real-time data into it. Imagine no more.


Serious Simulation & Modelling

Whether its simulating transport & risk profiling or calculating the interactions of different effects and push and pull factors from a dataset. Polaron is extremely versatile.

What works for real-world data works for simulation and synthetic data.

Transport & Risk modelling

Cities and environments aren’t static. Therefore movement and transport has been developed to provide a representation of changes in a scene.
We use procedural animation and logic based navigation driven by Cellular Automata and real-time massive data queries to produce effective representations based on real-world data and constraints.

GIS & Data Analysis functions

Polaron’s pedigree comes from very large GIS datasets both un-processed and processed datasets. Polaron excels at processing and producing additional insight on semantic data (ie a point in space + a value) allowing for real-time experimentation and interactions – from OSM data to LEO-Infrared data and statistical inputs.

Gaming & Entertainment

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Jane Done

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh. Donec hendrerit dui ut nisi tempor scelerisque.

Jane Doe

Let’s build something great together.